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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First paycheque from CashCrate

I was quite surprised today to find in my mailbox a cheque made out to me from the Wells Fargo bank! I got paid by Cashcrate!

I have been so busy with my fulltime job lately that I haven't actually been working on surveys or even looking at the CashCrate website...
but they did in fact pay me for the work I did back in last two days of August.

In two days I was able to make... $11.42 US!

I know, not a big deal. But that was only two days. Now, in all honesty I want to make perfectly clear that this is not quick, easy money. It took me more than 4 hours to make that money!

One of the mistakes I made was going for a large payout survey... but it required me to purchase something. There are quite a lot of surveys available that you can get paid if you spend something. Not exactly the kind of money making I was interested in. In this case I was willing to pay the money just to try it out. It was a service that was kind of interesting, but in the end it just wasn't a service I was interested in... so I was able to cancel it without having to actually have anything billed to me due to a "trial" offer. However I did provide my credit card details to the respectable company... so if I had forgotten to cancel I would be having to pay back a monthly fee. Honestly I can't remember if it was recurring or not.

So just take that as a word of warning. When you join CashCrate, read all the blog posts you can and visit the forums. Follow their tutorial and they suggest you only go for the free surveys until you are more familiar with the process.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with paying for some services. If you find something you are interested, go ahead and purchase it! That's the point of filling out surveys after all. Somewhere along the line a company is trying to provide its goods or services to someone who is interested in what they have to offer.

As a referral update I now have 6 level one referrals and 2 level 2 referrals. Its definitely been a slow month of September!

But give it a try: Cashcrate works, and it pays out.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Referrals and Downline

Thanks to all of you who have checked out CashCrate and signed up. It is a great site and I'm sure you're finding it as intriguing as I do. In the 3 days that I've been a member, as of September 3, 2008 I now have 7 "level 1 referrals" and 2 "level 2 referrals".

In marketing terms, this is known as a "downline". It is a term I picked up from a multi-level marketing organization that I am an (inactive) member of, but it is a term of great importance.

With CashCrate, you can make some good pocket change by filling out surveys in your spare time. If you were to work it full-time for an 8 hour day.... the payout would be approximately oh, less than 50 cents an hour! That is, assuming you stick with the beginner rule of only filling out the free (ie. no cost to you) surveys. If you are lucky enough to live in the United States, the number of surveys and offers available to you is HUGE, and there are people on the CashCrate forum who are making $20, $30 or even $100 or more per month.

Here in Canada, we're not as lucky. Same with other countries. However there are options. One of them is referrals.
"I'd rather have 1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of 1 person's efforts."
Referrals is a way to get a little bit of gain from a lot of people's work. Its the way in which we can help other people make money.

Depth versus Width
Since I have 7 "level 1 referrals", there are 7 people who decided that they wanted to make a little extra money. At that point my "organization" is 1 level deep, and 7 people wide.

Now I have 2 "level 2 referrals", which means that of those 7 in my top level, either someone helped 2 people learn to make more money or 2 people helped one other person to make more money.

Which is more important? Well neither. A healthy organization (or business you might say, if you want to take this seriously) needs to have both width AND depth. At the moment, the CashCrate system is slightly limited in that it only appears to have 2 levels... but I'll check into that more and see how that works. However in some multi-level systems you can go as deep as you want! It is recommended that you research a system that you are interested in and find out how deep it can go.

Now the "ADDED VALUE" part of the blog:

I appreciate that you have taken the time to read this blog, joined CashCrate and started working on a system that can help you make a little extra money. I can help point you in the right direction to build your own downline and together we can both make a little extra money, and help others do the same for themselves. I'm doing this because I would love it if my wife didn't have to work if she didn't want to, and I'd love the freedom to spend more time with her and my future family.

To that end, simply email me if you have any questions about CashCrate or are interested in any other ways to make money online. I am currently learning more about monetizing blogs, building websites and search engine optimization (SEO). I even have a Facebook group! So if you want to take this seriously or just want a little bit of help in the right direction, leave a comment or email me directly.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Make Money in your Pyjamas with CashCrate

With CashCrate, I was able to realize an incredible dream today: I made money from home, while still in my pyjamas!

To celebrate the long weekend, my wife and I had some friends over last night and then went out and had a few drinks. Perhaps I had a few too many, because when I woke up this morning I was a little hungover. My wife had gone to work but I had the day off, and I was laying in bed trying to get some more sleep when I remembered I had signed up for CashCrate the day before. I realized that instead of sleeping I could have some cereal and make some money while still wearing my pajamas. I had always heard that you could use the Internet to make money from home and do it naked or in your PJs. So that's what I did.

In about an hour I had made about a dollar, but I had over $3 in payments pending to be credited to my account. Now admittedly, thats not a lot of cash.... but it is if you consider I could have been sleeping and making nothing! It was also a pleasant surprise to learn that I had also made almost a dollar on referrals. Not bad considering that was only for 1 day at the end of August.

With referrals, I've been able help someone make a little extra money, and that someone has helped me make a bit of extra money. And that is what I call win-win.

So in all seriousness, if you are looking to make a bit of extra money from home (and not to mention get the chance to get in on some great offers of trials or free product) then you should check out CashCrate and sign up.

Welcome - First Post

Hello and welcome to the Intentional Wealth blog!

I have a number of other blogs on the go and I have found that one of the most common topics that keeps cropping up is how to make money online. I have done some research and found a few ways and I am constantly learning more so I wanted to collect the information and share it with others.

Just to let you know, these are definitely not "Get Rich Quick" schemes. But they are honest and easy ways to make money from home, in your spare time. I have a good paying job, but I want to make extra income for simple things like better vacations or even the possibility of having my wife stay home and not work if that is what she wants. Or so I can stay home and not work because that's what I want! :) Not working would free me up to spend more time helping people. It might sound cheesy but that's really all I want.

But I also want to help people. I was introduced early on to the idea that by helping and supporting others in their quest to make more money for the reasons that they have, then I would be opening the door for abundance and wealth to come my way. In short, I can (and you can too!) make money by helping others make money. I call that a win-win situation.

Its not JUST about the money, but you can't deny the money is important. We need it to live. But the freedom we can have by not being chained to a job... now that's priceless.


Rick Henderson